
Mission Statement: Learning for Life
Vision Statement: The best choice for students and parents.

Belief Statements:
1. Learning is a lifelong process
2. Collaboration of students, parents and staff has the greatest impact on student growth.
3. We believe students benefit academically in a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment.
4. We develop student's critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and real-world applications.
5. We believe technology should be integrated into the classroom and curriculum as an everyday aid to teaching and learning.
6. We provide ongoing staff development that drives curriculum and instruction.

The purpose of Davidson Middle School is to offer a high quality education for all students. Teachers use the Common Core State Standards, Next Gen and C3 Framework as a measure of skills that students should achieve. Teachers use ongoing assessments to check for student achievement towards these grade level expectations. The data from these assessments help determine which students need extra support. The data includes: M-Step Scores and Grade Level Benchmark Assessments. Students who are At-Risk receive extra support in a number of ways. We use school counselors and social workers to assist students who are struggling in non-academic areas and we have a math specialist for each of the grade levels.


Davidson Middle School
15800 Trenton
Southgate, Michigan 48195
Phone: (734) 246 - 4628
Fax: (734) 246 - 7280






Kelsey Tackett Davidson Principal
Beth Hinzmann Assistant Principal, Athletic Director



Amanda Bias Counselor
Kristin Stewart Counselor


Administrative Assistants

Carla Kolomitz Administrative Assistant
to Kelsey Tackett

Dana Reiss

Administrative Assistant
to Beth Hinzmann