Testing Out

Dear current 8th grades parents/guardians:

High school is just a few short months away for your child. Some students, as well as, parents have asked about testing out opportunities. Testing out is a process that will allow students to gain credit by independently following a set curriculum, during the summer, and then taking an assessment or assessments to determine mastery of the subject matter.

If a student passes the assessment(s) with, the State of Michigan, Department of Education set percentage of 78% or higher, then a student is awarded credit for that particular class. Students are not awarded a grade, therefore this will not affect a student's grade point average (GPA). If a student would like to test out of a class or classes, more information and forms are available in the Davidson Middle School counseling office.

Anyone interested in testing out should have the form completed by Friday, June 5th. Attached is a Commonly Asked Questions listing about testing out. If you have any questions regarding the testing out procedure, please contact Davidson Middle School at 734-246-4628.

Attached Forms:

Common Asked Questions about Testing Out